Creatures Inc., one of the Pokémon franchise owners, has seen its CEO, Tsunekazu Ishihara, and president, Hirokazu “Hip” Tanaka step down from their positions.
Succeeding Ishihara will be Yuji Kitano as CEO/president. Meanwhile, Tomotaka Komura will step into the role of executive vice president. Their new positions within the company are listed on its website.
Ishihara will continue working as CEO and president of The Pokémon Company.
He founded Creatures Inc. in 1995, and in 1998 Ishihara established The Pokémon Company.
Tanaka, who is also a career sound designer and composer, left Nintendo to join Creatures Inc. in 1999 and became president of the firm in 2000. He originally joined the platform holder back in 1980.
He is also credited with having created music for the animated Pokémon series.